To use ssh in scripts, its sure the most secure way to use ssh-keys. But some times that isn't possible. In that case the security focuset aprocach in ssh to not accept plain passwords in a other way than direkt keyboard imput is a pain in the ass. I tryed different aprochs to go around this like using sshpass or fd0ssh but it wasn't realy working for me. Using expect was working:
Install expectsudo apt-get install expectThen you can write a expect script like that
#!/usr/bin/expect -f # Do not time out set timeout -1 # Run the SSH comand (As example: open a tunnel for rsync) spawn ssh -fNL localhost:1873:localhost:873 # When the passwort prompt is displayed, type and send the password expect "*?assword:" { send "PASSWORD\r"} # We need to wayt a little bit sleep 2Or the same in a shell script:
#!/bin/sh export "SSHPASS=PASSWORD" /usr/bin/expect <<EOD set timeout -1 spawn ssh -fNL localhost:1873:localhost:873 expect "*?assword:" { send "$SSHPASS\r"} sleep 2 EOD